Friday, June 11, 2010


As a proud Washington born person, I straight up refuse to carry an umbrella. I think they're rather bothersome, and I'd forget them all the time anyway. My hairs always messy, at least rain gives me an excuse for it! And...I just love the feel of rain falling on me.
This leads to both positive and negative effects:
+ I have a great game on rainy days, I call it survival. I'm not kidding when I say EVERYONE and their mom has an umbrella. and Tokyo is CROWDED. So I have to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge simply to avoid the very powerful and determined umbrella carrying Japanese people who are on a mission, and god help anyone who gets in their way.
- People try and share umbrella's with me. I know-I know, it seems friendly, but as kind spirited as it is, it always ends with me half bent over, a pokey umbrella point in my neck, and desperately wishing for the feel of rain on my face, the freedom to walk at my own pace, and stand up straight.

Also- Umbrellas remind me of the umbrella corp. Which reminds me of Zombies and then I imagine what would happen to Tokyo if someone got the T Virus.

Not only would the Zombies be super fashionable....but...think of how many people would be turned into zombies within 15 minutes!!! God help us all....

Alright! Moving On!
Late night deep discussions with Cat or Nascha! Seriously, Cat and I got into a debate about America's politics that lasted from 10pm to 4am. It was wonderful! She's a great person to debate with- she knows her constitution, supreme court cases, and the important current issues. So we debated and discussed the role of government in todays society and what we like don't like, made the other person explain all views on and so forth. It was aaaammmaaaazzzing. People who have gotten into these topic with me know that there's almost nothing I like more than a good political/ethical/random idea debate.
We also have done similar things, but talking about Japans societal problems. And that kind of thing. Several times a week, she just comes into my room and we end up talking. Like... really talking. It feels amazing. I'm gonna miss Cat SO much when she leaves.... and it's not long until she does leave. 40 days I think?

Hmmm... I love ridiculously long walks with adventures a-plenty. The thing about Japan is that, a walk in the city results in forest adventures, Rice fields, and a lot of other random things you would simply NEVER find in the states. Random silly little things, and other huge things. I don't even know how to describe it besides I <3 it with all my heart.

I found a new tactic for making flashcards. Listen to conversations in english, and take notes of words I want to learn in Japanese- and going from there. I think it'll help a lot.

Hmmmm...Oh! Okay- Chatroom <3
So remember my part time job as a chatleader where I just talk to people? Okay, so my boss told me that I was the most natural sounding chatleader, and after every Students kept telling her that I was their favorite chatleader. Which just made my day completely. The people who are training to be chinese chatleaders all had to take turns sitting in on my sessions because all the staff told them that I was the perfect example <3

I'm sorry- that's not meant as a "I'm Wonderful!" it just made my day and I don't wanna tell anyone here for fear of sounding....pompus. Like that guy Gina knew in middle school. I forgot his name... O or A something?? Osis?

KRISTINA WINCH: I <3 you dearie, and it was wonderful to talk to you on the phone...whenever it was that we talked on the phone. And I'm sorry I'm so bad at replying to facebook messages. You have no idea how ridiculously excited I am that you might come visit me in Japan. <3 Even if you can't for some reason- the fact that you want to and are trying to... makes me super happy!

JJ: Everytime I read your comments it warms up me heart and makes me super happy. Thank you so much lovely, and believe me- I'm sure I miss you double how much you miss me! <3

REGINA: You at one point mentioned possibly coming to visit <3 If you think it might be possible, we should talk about it soon. AND talking to you on the 31st was wonderful. I LOVE YOU!! You're the bestest sister ever. I miss you like crazy. One of these days we'll actually work out that thing, mmmkay?

ALESSA: Oh. My. God. You're getting married so soon. Like... SO soon. I promise promise promise that I will visit you a lot when I get back. And I think about you everyday! For a multitude of reasons! My teacher mentioned the Beatles, Snoopy's everywhere...and other stuff.

CHRISTINE: Yaaaay! Here's an update on my life ;P Have fun wading through it all! I'm so happy you have an account here... I had no idea. The whole...blogging community is still pretty new to me. Anyways- I miss you so much, and I'll try and be better at keeping in touch. >_< I just get distracted so easily, I just literally forget that I was even on the computer at all! But seriously, I'll try and get better at it!

PARENTS: I. Miss. you. A lot... I want to call you every day, but I'm SO busy here, and the times I am free is usually between 3-6 there, and that's just awkward. But I miss you, and I'm sending you letters soon! But seriously- I really do miss you guys a ton.

BECCA: Raaaaawwwrr! I miss you and I can't wait until you come to Japan! Do you have someone picking you up at the Airport yet? If not, count me in! For reals- I would be honored to help you get back to your dorm <3

Ugh... I can only do so many shout-outs before getting distracted...I really have to go buy shampoo >_< But do not doubt my love for you/how much I miss you!


  1. The blog I have on this website is just for photos. It's my photo blog :D

    Yeah, I've been reading through a lot of this. oh my so much to read!

  2. Umbrellas are great weapons and fancy dancing tools. You just have to be creative, girl.

  3. I miss you too and I can't wait eitherrrrrrrrrr!! I'm pretty sure the KGU 'buddies' are picking us up at the airport, but I do not see a problem at all if you do too :DDD<3
