Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I hate it when I get a couple days behind. I know that I'll forget some good stories, and meaningful moments. Here's a couple of very important shout outs:

1: Happy Mothers Day Mom!! I know I called you on Mothers Day, and now it's long past. But Hey, I think people should appreciate their parents every day of the year! Yeah, we have a special day but...parents are awesome. On that note: Happy Early Fathers Day Dad!! Hahaha <3

2: Continuing Luck with Comedy!!! May the Force be with you guys =)

Chloe Wandler
434- 1 Eda-Cho, Aoba-Ku,
Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 225-0013 JAPAN

I pity the fool that doesn't write to me. Also, I have lost every ones address. That literally only excludes my parents. Send it to me please! a comment here- anything! I just need to start sending postcards and stuff!

Now onto life!

I'm gonna attempt another day-by-day and then general follow up, mmmkay?! Mkay!

Friday: I had 2 classes, and then officially started my third part-time job! I work as a teachers assistant. Kinda like I did for Jackson, but even more fun and random stuff. The teacher is freaking amazing. I was all nervous going in, because I'd never met him. I was sure he was going to take one look at the frumpy American and banish me from his office. But alas! He was amazingly awesome! The second I opened the door I was totally at ease. He's from London, and has that chill english thing going on. I'll be working on excel sheets, updating random stuff, working with students, being interviewed, formatting an encyclopedia...and a TON of other awesome sounding stuff. AND when I come back to the states, I'll continue to work for him! Yee-haw! It's a nice $14 an hour, and as many hours as I want! (With limits, I mean, I'll probably get in about 8 hours a week with this one, 5 hours a week with chatroom, and then my private students vary, and the pay is $15-20 and hour. It's pretty sweet yo!

Saturday: Met with a student, and then walked around crazy back roads in an unknown district of Tokyo just to see how long it would take to find Shibuya. Then I walked around Shibuya, not doing much in particular, just enjoying myself! I had a lot of fun listening to WaT, Arashi, NEWS and Ayumi for 6 hours non stop! Then I got back, and hung out with Nascha until 3 AM or so. Basically showing her videos and pictures of WaT =)

Sunday: (See Cookie Story)

Monday: Aw... Monday was great! On the way to class, I ran into 2 of my Korean friends, and talking to them is always an adventure because they speak almost no english. Literally...maybe 5 sentences. But it was really awesome! Me and JeauUn and Game Friends, because we talk about video games, and movies and all kind of awesome things. We decided to watch a drama together that night, a new one that was going to start coming out. Now, might I simply say that it's almost pointless for me to watch any more Drama right now? I'm currently in the middle of 4 different drama's. (Kaibutsu-Kun being the best!) But I really wanted to watch it with them! Then I saw Dan (for the first time in almost a centurey) and my friend Makoto. Which was just a lot of fun. In Japanese class, we did Taiko, which is a traditional Japanese type of drumming. It was aaaaamazing. Seriously...I think I might join a Taiko Circle or club. Then I had Nihongaku. Which is singly the most boring class ever, but me, Mike and Makoto passed math equations back and forth the whole time, so it was pretty fun. Um- I watched the Drama with some of my Chinese friends instead of the Korean ones because Jeuen got back from school reeeaaallly late. Which was fine! I love hanging out with Jamie,Teddy and Ling! <3 It was suuper fun actually, it was a long time since we'd spent time together, and it was simply wonderful!

Tuesday: Two classes, two chatrooms, and Japanese Chatroom! One of my chatrooms was awesome cause I had two complete goofball guys who were just off the wall and super ridiculous. Our chatroom was just cracking up in hysterics which was just a blast! We had a great teasing vibe going on and a lot of intergroup sillyness. You should have seen them when I tried to explain Ultimate Frisbee. It took so long to convince them that people played with frisbees outside the dogpark, and I'm still not sure they believed me.

Wednesday: Ugh...My first class on wednesdays is an absolute drag. It's so...japanese. Which is definitely a bad thing when it comes to school. It translates to: monotone voices by a sensei sitting in a chair at the front of a lecture hall speaking very fast Japanese for 1.5 hours. The class is also very anti-america, which just makes it a little bit stingy. Then I had chatroom again, and Japanese class. After Japanese class, I went to BooKOff with Hana and we got some Manga and stuff like that, which was very fun. I love Hana-Chan! She's Mongolian, and adorable. Imagine give her asian. She's also a bonafied Mongolian Popstar and when she gets back has a 5 year contract with the best recording studio in mongolia. Then I got home, and went and met my one mildy creepy student. Then I got back and hung out with Jaimie and Ling for quite awhile just being silly! <3

And now today! Yay for catching up!!
Thursday/today: Today has my favorite classes! I have Intercultural Communication, Performance Studies, and Intercultural Dialogue. I also randomly got two of my friends chat sessions because he went to china after 2nd period. Go figure...
But I ended up having to awkwardly break sushi planswith Nascha and I felt really bad about that >_<; But I mean...he was frantic and going to china! There was no one else to take his chat sessions------- What else could I do!
Got Back to the dorm, had dinner with friends, watched a drama with friends, and now really need to do some work for my part time job!

Overall Comments:
When I comeback, you all may notice some added vocabulary. I absolutely refuse to EVER stop using the word Chigaou. It is simply the best word ever. It means that whatever someone just said is wrong, misunderstood, BS or something of that sort. Basically, it's the greatest vocabulary word of all time and I will fight to integrate it into the US. If you think that I will fail... chagaou da yo!

I feel really bad, because there's a couple odd layers of dorm dynamics going on. I'm ridiculously fine with everyone. But there are some feelings of dislike that aren't known by the disliked party, and she feels left out, andI like her and want to see her, but other people don't like to invite her places. *sigh* I'm not surewhatI should really do- I mean, she's a nice person. Yeah, she comes across strong at times. But she's a good person. I think I'll just make more of an effort to hang out with her just with me. Maybe Cat will too, I think she's starting to like her. At least I hope so! It's really lame not to invite her places. I mean, we're all here together, you know? She's also only here for a semester, and I want her to go back with a whole bunch of good friends, not like...just one person, you know? Anyway, I think she'll like Dr. Horrible, so I think I'll bring it to her room tomorrow or sometime this weekend. Project- Incorporate Said Person starts...NOW!

Also, My sister's Birthday is coming up. I would VERY VERY VERY VERY much appreciate it is on May 15, everyone called her and told her that Chloe loves her and Wishes her a happy birthday.
I know it sounds silly, but I'm dead serious and geniunely asking all of you to do this. I'm sending her a card, but I can't figure out how to send stuff yet! So It will probably be late.

Seriously guys... I'll owe you big time.

That's MAY 15 anytime of day- just leave a message! Hell- You can even send a text!
Please please please please please please!!!!!!!
She's the best sister ever, and there's only so much I can do from over here!

R-E-G-I-N-A 425-299-2632

1 comment:

  1. JaeLyn Forthun
    190 SW Brumback St. unit #2524
    McMinnville, OR 97128

    I will write to you!!
    and you sound like you're having fun even though I can't read your blog everyday, I'm just playing catch-up!
