Saturday, May 15, 2010


Point #1: I still have a great fear that no one watched the awesome video I linked to, therefore I will post it again! GO HHHHEEEEERRREEEE I don't even know why it's so vitally important that you watch it (Becca- You already have ;P ) but maybe because I talk about this stuff so much, I want everyone to see how amazing it is. Now imagine living in the same place as this. That's what I'm going through... it's like... before all the things that I loved were amazing and I adored them, but now... they're REAL. They literally live in the same couple square mile radius!
This is the typical Chloe "Share this with me!" stuff =)

Soooooo...I had another awkward chikan in Tokyo come up and start talking to me in Japanese. He was asking if I was alone, how I learned japanese, what I was doing in Japan, and if I wanted Japanese friends. Not only was he creepy, but I was about to buy a new Arashi Magazine and he ruined it >=(
No Mr. Tokyo street man...I don't want to get coffee with you. No... I don't care if you think my eyes are pretty. No I don't care if you're impressed that I speaketh Japanese. No I don't care if you say that my smile melts your heart. You're standing too close and smell bad.
So I looked at him, and said, "Peace out. Saki ni." And walked away.

One more slight complaint... TISSUE DISCRIMINATION!!! SO there's this thing in Japan where people give out tissues as advertisements... I happen to collect these tissues. Yesterday I was hoping to really add to my horde, as there were a myriad of unique tissues in the area, and I was really excited about it. But alas...I was offered NO tissues. I guarantee that I was the only person who actively and proudly wanted them, i didn't see a single person accept the tissues being desperately thrust into their midsection, but I was the ONLY person who no one offered them too. I even thought that they probably just missed me, so I passed by again. And again. And again. AND AGAIN. BUT TO NO AVAIL!!!!!!!! Oh the tragedies that come with being white. *sigh* ...tissue discrimination.

The person I mentioned in my last blog, had a little bit of a break down during dinner yesterday. She started crying, at which point I took her on a several hour walk and we talked for a very long time about various things. Yes.... she does have a difficult personality and she says things that are straight up insulting. But I can live with that. She's not a bad person, and she has feelings, and weaknesses just like anyone else. She also has strong points, and qualities that are very rare in people- I like her a lot. I enjoy talking to her and hanging out with her. But the other girls in the dorm simply can't adjust to her. Which I understand! I don't blame them, and I mean, they were also raised in an entirely differnt culture, and they're already adjusting to japanese life, and the unchangable american is hard to deal with. But at the same time, I refuse to have her blatantly left out of things. So I found myself begging Teddy to let me invite Amy to our drama watching session tomorrow, Teddy finally said okay. But the Ling said that she didn't want to go. AAHHHHH.
But I still think it's not right to leave her out. So I'm gonna make a point of spending time with her. I talked to Nascha too, and she said that she's totally willing to hang out with Amy, and Lin(not Ling) also has been talking to Amy recently. It's not much, but it's something! I just can't stand to see someone so upset and so hurt, and so very alone. That's not okay, especially when I'm loving Japan and everything so much. There's nothing I've done to deserve enjoying Japan more than Amy, if anything, she's studied the language longer, she knows an insane amount about Japan's history, and coming here has been her dream for a long time.

I bought the first pokemon manga in Japanese and have been reading it! Yaaaaay!

Hmmm....Octopus tentacles taste odd, but I don't mind them until I consciously think about the fact I'm eating octopus tentacles. Then I feel nauseous.

Okay... I realize that I really need to start taking more pictures of the food I eat...because sometimes, it's just unbelievable. I mean that in a good way. The best way possible in fact =)

I've been getting to meet a lot of new people through the chatroom! Which is great. I met people who are in some of my classes, so I've been moving around and sitting by new people, which I love doing. I've also gotten on a great teasing level with all the American guys, which makes me feel right a home. My japanese friends and I are at the "hang-out on weekends" stage, and hahaha...Nascha <3 Nascha and I are at the stay up till 5 am never once stopping laughing stage. Which happens more often than not! It's so bizzare to think that...a month and a week ago I didn't even know she spoke English. Now she spends hours upon hours in my room making up silly/awesome plans. For instance: we have decided to befriend Dimitri (the most strangest ever guy) in a bright and happy way, because of all the great quotes we'd get from him.
"Dimitri, what did you do in childhood"
--"I played with Grass."
"Is that because you didn't have any friends?"
--"No. I had friends. We played in grass

Hmmm...We're also making a list of useful things to do with this giant slab of stone that one of my students gave me as he confessed his love to me. Along with a seashell and a perfume bottle. It's a very heavy slab of rock.


  1. wow...
    its like japanese backstreet boys..
    or aaron carter..
    guy on the left was a tad off.
    however, besides all that it wass quite amazing indeed.
    it was weird actually, after writing you that one poat, i went out and tried to find this link and then couldn't, then gave up and got distracted b something shiny.
    ps. you. never. write. write back, woman!!! I mean, its good to know you're alive and all via blog post, so that's good. i apprrciatte your existance very much.

    and I mourn for your loss of tissues. we shall fight this injustice!!!!!


  2. Hahaha =)
    There are other links with the whole of Arashi- that's just from Ohno's solo concert! The best moment is right at 2:00 where he seems to be going into my favorite dance move, but doesn't! It's tomfoolery. But themn he does stuff that's even more awesome so it's okay!

    I'm sooooowwwwy! I'll write back today, I promise! Everytime I get on Facebook- I have all intentions, but then someone always comes in my room, or I only have like 15 minutes >_<

    And tahnk you my dear. It is a true and great problem in Japan. I think that this tissue discrimination calls for a civil right movement. I need a platform...

  3. You're posts are such lolcanoes (yeah that's right, LOLCANOES), Chloe, I need to be reading them all the time!!

    Ok so I shall share with you my latest future-husband. No one else seems to see his talent and UTTER man-perfection, but maybe you will. It's enka, so brace yourself:

    Ahhh he's so sparkly ♥♥ and if that damn おばあさん would just stfu this video would be perfect. Anyway, his name is Hikawa Kiyoshi, and if you see him on any billboards/posters/adverts/etc please please PLEASE take a picture :DDD

    BTW our plane arrives at 3:00 PM (I believe) on the 26th of August in Narita, so... I GET TO SEE YOU SOON!!
    And then we can suffer tissue discrimination together (><)

  4. haha, I love J Pop!!!
    and you!
    and not creepy street guys!!!
