Saturday, May 1, 2010


あああ! 怪物ーくんは最高のテレビショウ! 大好きだよ <3
ほんとうに長すてき! 大野智は。。。何と言う。。。すごくそごくすごくじょうずによるできる。

Okay...sorry guys. I just really wanted to express that in Japanese.
I basically said that this new TV show I just watched is pretty much the most amazing thing ever, and Satoshi Ohno is really good at acting.
AAAHHHH! It was so good! And Nascha pretty much makes my life better!
I have turned her to the way of the Japanese Drama, and I've always loved Nascha, but the more I see her and talk to her, the more and more I grow to adore her. She's so much fun, and she's funny as hell- she'll surprise you with her unique and brilliant observations. Such as pointing out that the creepy guys talking to the little boy in Kaibutsu kun was dressed as a catholic priest.
We're going together into Harajuku soon to find pictures of Kaibutsu-kun!

Okay everyone- I want you to look at the picture I posted very carefully, and let this next fact sink in, okay? The guy in yellow (with the silly cap and big ears)- his birthday is November 26th, 1980. Do the math... he's 30 years old!!!! And these pictures were taken LAST WEEK.

Dear Japan: WHHHHHHHY?

OH- One more thing:
Chole has made it's appearance in Japan =)
So has Clowy. Which I am personally very fond of. It makes me feel like a clown!

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