Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hey you guys!
1: BREAK LEGS WITH COMEDY! Steven I wish so much that I could see you! Seriously- I need to see pictures and you should blog about every second of it. You're gonna be AMAZING! Tell everyone I wish them the best- I believe in all of you! ROCK THE HOUSE!

2: A update on my recent adventures!

Here in Japan it's been Golden week, so I had a couple days off (just started back today) and it was really nice! I didn't do anything massively epic. But lets see if I can do a day to day =)

Thursday: I went to Harajuku again! It was UNBELIEVABLY crowded! Even for Harajuku! And that's saying a lot. Vivian, Nascha, and I went in search of the Daiso there. Cause it's an epic 5 stories, and we needed art supplies for class!

Friday: Hahaha....okay I went to Harajuku again, but this time with Cat, and NOT the usual way. We took a whole bunch of randomcrazy backroads and just enjoyed walking around. Then we looked for a place we couldn't find- but it was fun to look! And we saw some random fun stuff.
Oh! Okay the picture I posted? That's an advertisement Van. They're all over Shibuya. Now the guy on the van is Jun Matsumoto from Arashi. This Van is chased where ever it goes with people desperately trying to take pictures of Jun. I just took it because I wanna keep the memory of the girls RUNNING after this van with their cameras. Not because I love Arashi...that'd be...silly... THOUGH- for the recorod- Jun isn't my favorite member!
That honor belongs to Ohno Satoshi (the one from Kaibutsu-Kun! Which I added a picture of for Good Measure- He's also just kick ass in general, CHECK IT
No...Seriously- Watch that Video, it's AMAZING. I'm begging all of you to watch it! Really Stand by for about 1:20 on, where the dance solo gets AMAZING. But watch before that too!

Saturday: I gave a Yoga class! Teddy's been begging me to teach her Yoga, and so I finally relented. We did Yoga for about 2 hours. Then I hung out with Cat and Yuka, which was really fun. Then Cat went cak the the dorm and Yuka and I went into Azamino and spent some time together. Then, Saturday night...That's when I watched kaibutsu-Kun for the first time! Seriously...AMAZING!! Then I introduced Nascha to wonderful things like WaT and Arashi and a whole bunch of silly things.

Sunday: I met with two new students! Yaaaay for jobs! They both asked meto permanently be their teacher! I spent a lot of time in Shibuya walking around and had a lot of fun! I got Teddy a birthday present and then helped Vivian with her English chatroom at the dorm- that was fun too!

Monday: I hung out with Cat in the morning, then I had another English Session, another student who asked me to permanently be his teacher. Then it was...TEDDY'S BIRTHDAY!! Yaaaaaaaay! We went to an AMAZING restaurant called "Gut's Soul" which sounds and looked sketch, but it was amazingly delicious. Then we came back to the dorm and played games. <3

Tuesday: Bwahahaha...hung out with Nascha, Cat and...Sho. Who's DEFINITELY creepy. He's been bothering Nascha for awhile and she was scared to meet with him alone, so she asked me to go with her. Being a big strong American I agreed, and invited Cat along too. Who was none to happy with the idea of meeting Sho- who she's been avoiding for the last 5 months. But it wasn't too bad! It was really fun in it's awkwardness. "How has he been sitting behind the statue in the one place we can't see him!!???" After that though we did one of the most amazing things I've done since coming to Japan. Conveyor belt sushi. OH. My. GOD. I already can't wait to go back...and am trying to figure out when. See, it's delicious, Cheap, and there's UNLIMITED PICKLED GINGER! (LOVE YOU KRISTINA!!!!!!) Then we explored Shibuya some more (it's unlimited...) Then I hung out with Nascha till 3 am, and then went to bed at about 5am. Yay!

Wednesday: Called my parents (which was delightful) Went to Tama-Plaza with Nascha-- We just explored for several hours, and ate Mochi in celebration of Childrens Day! Awww...then I hung out with Jane in the Kitchen and she gave me Kimchi <3 Which is one of the most delicious things EVER. I love my dormmates!!!!

And that brings me to today! I gave a speech in 2 out of 3 classes, which I felt very good about. In the class that I mentioned Star Trek in last week, the teacher was talking about whaling and what it means for the future. Do you have ANY IDEA how freaking difficult it was not to bring up Star Trek IV: The Journey Home? Anyway- Then I went to Harajuku with Nascha (again!) and wen went on a poster hunt. It was very successful indeed. *looks at walls* oh yeah.

Okay! That's my last week!
I really do miss you all-
NANA- I pine for you. I have 6 worry dolls, and one of them is always designated to you, and the fact that I miss you and want you to be happy. I haven't talked to you enough and it makes me sad. Lets fix that okay? I need my Nana T_T

REGINA: RAAAWR! I miss the hell out of you. ANd you should be aware I brag about you here too. Whenever people ask about my siblings and I say I have a 21 year old sister, they always ask what college you go to. Hahahahah- That's when it starts. I miss you =(

MOM and DAD: You know I miss the hell out of you- You're the only ones I call on a semi-regular basis. And assoon as I figure out how to mail a damn letter *mumble mumble*

Alessa: I miss you! And I'm so happy your wedding plans are going well! Every time I see a facebook update about it I'm both happy for you, and sad because I know that I won't be there.

JJ: Well.. my just got a blog shout out so I don't know what to say...but I <3 you. Keep Linfield awesome for me, okay?

I know that there's probably people I forgot to shout out to- but I seriously do love and miss you all a lot. Tell me what's going on in your life! Please! I miss hearing from you!

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