Friday, April 30, 2010

Toki Meki

1: I think that JJ and maybe nana are the only ones you understand my title/first line

2: Wow. I don't know what in the world I have done to deserve such ridiculously good fortune sometimes. Here's what I mean:

remember my little rant about money? Since then I have acquired an additional 3/4 jobs, with more coming in. 2/3 of these are being a private English teacher, getting payed about $15 an hour, 2/3 hours a week. (It adds up, and more of these jobs are coming)
And the other one is, one of my professors recommended me to another professor who wanted someone to work for him. I'm not sure how many a hours a week this job is, but it's getting payed about $11 an hour.
AND my chat-room sessions went from 3 to 5 every week.
I might just be able to survive living in Tokyo =)
I mean... I still will have to ask my parents for help. But the less a burden I can be, the better.

I'm in a state of amazement right now. So uh...yeah =)


Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Answer

This is a comment I just posted to my friend Marc, but I thought you all might enjoy this as well...

Oh. My. God. I made such a fool out of myself in class yesterday. Like....hardcore. Aaaahhhhhhh >_<

Okay- so this particular class is taught in English- and the teacher was talking about intercultural Dialogue. It's my biggest class...I think that there's about 150 students, and I was sitting in the front row. The teacher starts ... See Moretalking about Cannibals, and he's saying that there are two distinct ideas when it comes to it, the "It's their culture, we have to right to interfere" people, and the "What about basic human rights? We have to save them people!"

On the paper I'm taking notes on, I IMMEDIATELY write down "Prime Directive, and then start a rough outline of a paper saying that these two ideas are reflected in Captain Picard, and Captain Kirk. I start listing examples, and supporting this. Captain Kirk would say screw the prime directive, we have to save these people, and Picard would most likely end up leaving the culture as is with a rather sad song playing in the background.
ALll the sudden, a microphone is in front of my face, and the teacher says,
"What do you think?"
I start laughing. The teacher looks absolutely shocked, and then asks again. While still laughing, I manage to say,
"Well it goes back to the age old debate, who's the better captain, Kirk or Picard?"
The teacher (and EVERYONE else in the class) has NO idea what I'm talking about. I'm the crazy white girl, laughing about people eating eachother. The teacher looks at me,
"I don't know those words."
"YOu know...Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise"
(Keep in mind, I'm still laughing)
I'm getting really embarrassed so I just say, "Yeah, I'd go the culture side" (which I wouldn't but...whatever)
The teacher goes,
"With Mr.Spock?"
And I really put the cherryon top, when I abruptly stop laughing and say,
"No. Spock's with Captain Kirk"

ANYWAY... I thought you might enjoy that little story. =)

On another note...

I'M SO CLUMSY! It's ridiculous >_<
Everyday I spill things, and knock things over, run into people, fall down, break things, drop things...
Even people I don't know talk about how clumsy I am

The point of that little rant was this:
Today at Lunch I
1: Spilled hot green tea all over the table, forcing my friend Dae Young to leap out of his seat before it spilled all over him.
2: Peeled a banana too far so that the entire thing fell out of the skin and onto the floor
3: Stood up, and almost knocked the table over, causing Yuria's book-bag to fall off the table.

That is all!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bokura No Love Story

Okay- I love all of you that read this blog, and here's a warning: A huge part of the reason that I'm keeping a blog is for me to look back on it later! I really hope you guys don't get bored reading them or anything. Especially times like now when I seem to be posting frequently!

So please picture my room back home/dormroom.
What is the first thing you imagine?

If it isn't toys or posters please turn your computer off and go to bed, I think your memory is malfunctioning. Kidding Kidding! <3
If it was something else than you have a beautiful and unique mind...don't change ;P

Hahaha...anyway, my room is lonely of posters! But here in Japan I have a unique opportunity... I can cover my walls with pictures of Arashi, Wentz, and Ikuta Toma!!

Okay- So my arubito is a chatroom leader, which means that I talk to people for 40 minute sessions. The application process was pretty cool, it's the first time I've ever had a formal interview! But it was a really fun interview, the three scary men interviewing me were all in stitches at multiple points during the interview, and apparently they didn't laugh in any of the other interviews so my goofy comments and comebacks made a good impression. Anyway- The interview was a couple weeks ago now, and I've been working at Chatroom for 2 weeks now. I love it =) Whenever it comes up that I like Arashi or something- people get SUPER excited. Apparently white girls never like Japanese music, even the exchange students. So the fact that I do makes them really happy. I took the liberty of recommending "The Princess Bride" to everyone in my second chat group today.

I've also been attending Japanese Chatroom, and todays chatroom was super fun. I think that everyone there talked a whole bunch and we just really enjoyed ourselves!

Dinner was also fun- I'm making some new friends in the dorm, I can't believe how many girls I hadn't talked to before!

The weather here is soooooo weird: It's been raining a lot lately, and I've always loved rain, and the rain in Tokyo is super gung-hoe. It doesn't just kinda rain, it really comes down hard. I like to dance around the city and splash in Puddles. Which gets me strange looks from a whole bunch of Japanese people, which is fun in itself.

In my intercultural communications class- I love doing the reading because it's so interesting. Even when the information isn't necessarily knew, there's something about reading it that makes me draw really strange connections. I dunno- but I really like it!

Okay- So once again this post has no strong purp----

I found a place to buy american peanut butter <3
I didn't and I don't think I will for a long time,but...It's there!!!!

Okay- so as I was saying: -----ose, but I just wanted to write down some thoughts!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Raise Your Hands

Today...Wonderful things happened:

1: I woke up at 6 to a room so bright because of sun that it was impossible to sleep any longer. So I hopped up and went on a long run around Eda, which was wonderful =)

2: I finally saw Yui again! It's been sooooo long since we've seen each other! I've been missing my tutor a lot!

3: I introduced a whole bunch of friends to Mr. Squiggle <3 It was SO freaking amazing to play again! It's been a long time. Mr. Sqiggle really is the best game ever, especially during really boring classes where even if you wanted to listen, it would be impossible because everyone is talking to loud for you to hear the teacher.

4: Darth Vader has followed me to Japan. He's EVERYWHERE! He's Docomo's newest mascot (starting today) which means that Shibuya is FULL of posters of Darth Vader saying "Who's your BOSS" check out new FaceBook pics for a couple examples! <3

Looooove you all!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Okay- Sorry! I just wanted to write more =)

Okay- Daily live...changes every day! My school is in the middle of Shibuya, so there's NEVER a dull moment. It's a 5 minute walk to Harajuku, and a short jaunt to any other famous place in Tokyo. I LOVE it so much. I feel like I'm a part of whats going on in the world. It's not uncommon to see celebs walking around.
A member of Johnny attends my school (I saw him, and then walked into the conbi and he was on a huge poster in there, and on a magazine cover) Literally across the street is where Ikuta Toma was in Grease last year. (I LOVE Ikuta Toma). Aoyama Gakuin is one of the best schools in Japan. Whenever I tell people I go there, they get super excited. They ask how I got into the school, assuming that I had to take exams to get in. It's wonderful. I couldn't be happier =)

My dorm is a 40 minute train ride away (which is very common for Japan) but I've found that I actually like the trains. I get super weird looks cause...well I'm white and have blue eyes... but It's super interesting. Yesterday this adorable kid kept staring at me, and then said "Helro!!" like...20 times or so. It was ridiculously adorable. His parents were cracking up =)

I've seen a lot of old friends, which is really nice. I loved seeing Haruna and Yuki that one time, I've seen Tiffany Ross, Mai and John! I hope to see more people over golden week too!

I've made some really good friends here. I'm gonna give you all a briefing, but I know that this can never do these people justice, but just so you have some idea!

Cat is AMAZING. I don't think she realizes how wonderful she is, but I'm so happy whenever we spend time together =)
I don't really know what to say...but we have some awesome conversations, and I quote;

"I think it's easier for black people to mug people at night, cause... they blend in"
"Yeah...well I think it's easier for white people to attack from the snow."
Okay...that's worded oddly, I can't remember exactly, but you get the gist! She's so much fun, and genuinely a wonderful person. She's been there for me from the first day. When I was so confused and overwhelmed by the Japanese around me! I think she's one of the main reasons I don't miss the US, because when I'm with her, it feels like the US. Except she understands my love for Japan stuff, so it's like having a little bit of home, but with a Japanese twist.

Ling, Teddy, and Jamie: I love these girls =) They're from hong kong, and just....amazing! They're so funny and so cute. I've spent a ton of time with them, and I feel like we've gotten very close. I don't even know what to say about them!!

Vivian: Vivian is so funny, she's very kind and I've had some great talks with her. She's from America, but is ethnically chinese. I realy like her! She's a ton of fun =)

Fumi Kimura: From the dayI met this girls, she has gone way out of her way to help me out with the whole...Japan...thing. She's wonderful, and supportive and fun! I looooooove her so much! I'm hope to see her a lot =) Maybe even visit her sometime!

Yuria: Aaaaaahhhh! Yuria is so much fun! She talks fast, but is SO amazing. I've hung out with her on several occasions, and soon (hopefully this weekend) we're gonna hang out at her place and watch a whole bunch of American Movies. I have a class with her, and have just hung out on a couple times! I can't wait to spend more time with her!

OKay... I'm getting tired of the shout outs. Maybe I'll do one a week or something like that =)


I have to teachers, and once I figure out how the set up works a little better it'll be great! But it's a little awkward having two seperate lessons going on at once but on opposite days. I do love the teachers though! Especially Mori Sensei!!! She's a blast =)

Japanese Culture
Mori Sensei again! This kinda feels like Japanese class, but we do things like calligraphy and whatnot.

Ugh. So dreadfully boring! I like the teacher and all...but I don't understand what he's saying, and when I do understand something, I don't understand why he's saying it.

Music and Philosophy
Haven't gone yet! The first week the teacher didn't show up, and the second week my train was late due to suicide so I missed class!

Intercultural Communications
The teacher is very kind, and I like the people I sit around! I also rather enjoy the readings we have to do! I'm SO happy that I'm an Intercultural Communications major now

Thinking of Peace
I hate being an American.

Intercultural Communication Sem.
SO AMAZING!!!! I love this class =) I have to get up at 6am to go to it, but it's freaking amazing! I love my group, and aaaah! <3

Performance Studies
OKay, so my teacher professionally directs plays in Tokyo. That's HUGE! He's really cool, and I think that my acting will improve a ton. I've never workedwith someone who is such a big director. But this class is only partially about acting and stuff. We study different social injustices, and then perform significant events or speeches or something. I'm gonna show everyone Prop 8 the musical when it gets to that particular -ism)

Intercultural Lit
My teacher is crazy. I mean like...Jim Carrey Crazy.

Colors and Shapes
I like it! It's my first real art class and I really really like it!! It's in Japanese, but I understand the teacher pretty well, and that's pretty cool.

I can't really describe how wonderful it is to have decided to stay for a year. I get giddy and excited. I feel like maybe my japanese really will improve a great amount,and I'll really have time to form some great friendships with people around me. I dropped my theater major, but there's a lot of relieve tied to that statement. Goodbye Stage management class, goodbye scenic design, goodbye environment that drives me insane.
I dropped out of directing the icebreaker: Good bye too much time with Sunderland!

I'll miss my family like crazy, (I already want to call them everyday, but it's too damned expensive!) will miss some important events, will miss friends a ton. But I think we'll all be okay. =)

Okay...I'm running out of writing steam... I'll write more soon!
I could never say enough about Japan =)

LOVE YOU NANA! Talking to you on the phone made my life better. I miss you! <3

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love Situation

It's been a long time since I've posted... okay... before my general itinerary of sorts, I'm gonna just say a couple things here:

1: I like the fact that I can reach the ceiling of buildings a lot more frequently that elsewhere. Not all the time or anything, just...more frequently!

Japanese architecture is so awesome! They have buildings of all kinds of shapes and sizes. Surrounding my school, there is a Pyramid, a circle, a triangle, a blob, and some other random stuff. I don't's just to bizarre and so much fun =)

I've had a couple things that I've had problems with- I guess a couple exapmles of culture shock?
1: Dreams- I've been having the weirdest dreams for the past couple weeks.
2: (Jj, sit down) Peanut Butter. It's not the same. At all. It's weird...and soft and fluffy and suuuuuuper creamy. And it broke my hearts.
3: Why is it impossible for money not to be an issue!? Honestly, I don't care at all that the people around me spend $500 on a whimsical "This looks kinda cute" purchase, while I spent $3 on a new purse, and $7 on a book bag. I'm seriously more than okay with that. I kinda feel like the heroine of a Japanese Drama. All that needs to happen now is a world famous corporation heir needs to fall in love with me. It'll be rough, I mean I know I'll get kidnapped, threatened, people will try to pay me off to leave him, I'll have to prove myself to his mother who is an evil woman and wants to marry him to someone else to ensure a merger... but I'm sure in the end our love would tear down any obstacles. (Doesn't that happen in real life?) Okay- but what does bother me is the fact that...I have bills to pay! And I don't know how I'm going to pay them. Gah. But I think It'll work out. I'll stand strong! I refuse to let money be an issue! I don't plan on having much money after college anyway...just enough to slowly pay back school loans and make a modest living somewhere...

Okkaaaayyy- On to happy topics!

So, you may have seen my facebook status...but here goes:
I'm staying. Not forever, but for another semester. I think I've made it pretty obvious that I simply love Japan. But even beyond that, I like taking risks and challenges, and staying for longer will make me grow in so many ways. I can't even begin to express how amazing Japan is. I miss you all (Mom and Dad and Sister especially) deeply. And you are all amazing people, please don't take my raving about how amazing Japan is as me not loving you or doubting your amazingness! I <3 you all. Japan has simply stolen my heart =)

Classes have started, and I love them all! A lot <3
Oh my Japanese teacher, Mori-Sensei is SO wonderful! I love her.

I don't even know what to tell you guys, it's bee so long since I've written. I'll start with recent things I suppose: I went to a maid Cafe yesterday! Yeah...all the girls talked in super polite form with bunny maid costumes on, and it wasn't even creepy! It was just...adorable! My friend Makoto took a whole bunch myself, the chinese girls and the korean girls =) It was ridiculous! And so much fun

I hate wearing make-up everyday >_< Even at my girliest, everyone still tells me I dress like a boy *sigh* That might be because of the Star Wars shirts and way of conversation. I also always wear a ponytail and get slack for that. But...I'm frightened of my hair. It's like the preachers hair in firefly! It's...always there. If I let it out then it will grow strong and I won't be able to control it anymore!

I don't feel homesick yet- I call my parents when I can, and that keeps me sane =)

Hmmmmmm.... There's so much more to say...but I wanna go for a walk.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Carnival Night

I finished signing up for classes today- This Semester I'm taking (ready for it?)
Japanese Culture and Society
Inercultural Literacy
Performance Studies
and then...classes that are fully taught in Japanese-
Music and Philosophy
Color and Shapes
Japanese History of Gardening
and Caligraphy

Yup...10 classes.... five of which are being taught in Japanese...
Did I mention that they are ENTIRELY in Japanese?
Yup...I might be scared to death of that... =)

Yay for Chinese Girls who are super kind! I spent the last 2 hours just talking to two of them, in my (already) messy room >_<; They are super fun, and they speak 4 (FOUR) languages!!! Everyone always asks me to talk French because they think it's pretty, and I do when they ask me to, but sometimes it gets really confused with Japanese. je vais koen ni aller! (That's a complete jumble =D)

Today I hung out with my Russian Friend Nascha! We went to school, and finished signing up for classes, had lunch, then went shopping, I bought a scarf today. Woot.She bought a cute Girly Skirt that she insists she'll never wear, but I hope she does because she's adorable and the skirt would totally suit her!

Then I played Cliff with my American friends at Dinner, I <3 Cat! She's super fun, and are Talia and Eli and Nikki! Nandero...
Oh- Last night i helped my RA Yuka with English for a couple hours, which was pretty sweet. She asked me a couple days ago if I could help her with English, then yesterday she was like "Chloe please see my room if you have no busy!"
In Japanese they use the phrase Asobu when inviting someone over, and asobu often translates as PLay. So she said she almost asked me to come play. I would have definitely taken her up on that offer too! Both Yuka and Maari are amazing RA's! Super <3
Yui is also faaaaantastic! So are other peoples Tutors, they keep sending me messages on Facebook that basically say that they'd love to go Karaoke or exploring together sometime <3

I know that there's a lot of word that Japanese People are cold, but even the strangers I talk to on the train or in stores are incredibly warm. Whoever said that they aren't friendly is a rumor starter. They are just maybe a little shy at first if they don't know you.

Okay- Love you guys! <3

Steven: I saw Jigglypuff shaped Pink bread that came in a pokeball package and I thought of you =) Keep on keeping on and...blah blah blah ;P
I tried to type a little less excitedly for you... better?

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hiii! Just a general update =)

Okay- So yesterday I spent the day in Aobadai (Tokyo Bay) with Haruna and Yuki! (Linfield kara) It was so much fun! I <3 those girls =D
It was my first time riding the trains alone, which was exciting! I managed not to get lost or anything. Which was pretty sweet. At the station, I met Haruna and Yuki, which was the best thing ever. Roughly =)
Then Dan came from a not the only train place, and to this day I'm still not sure how he got there...
OKay- So I found a giant cat bus <3
A "Giant Sky Wheel" AKA Ferris wheel, but because it's Japan, the ferris wheels are like... 4 times the size of ones in america. I'm not even exaggerating! It was freaking awesome. Then we toured Fugi Terabi, which is one of the craziest buildings ever... there's randomly a giant circle in the middle, and it's awesome.
This is the studio where most of my favorite dramas are made! Yaaaay! But really, it was mostly fun because I got to see Haruna and Yuki =)
Then the 4 of us went to Shibuya and walked around, rode a couple elevators and all that jazz. That was pretty super fun =)
Then I got back to the dorm and gave cadbury cream eggs to the americans. I honestly don't think I've ever seen people light up that much. It was so funny!

I think that covers Sunday!
Now- Monday:
In the morning I had orientation on registering, and then info on the part time job I'm applying for. I really want to work at Chatroom! It'd be a great way to meet even more Japanese students. ;P

OKay, so after orientation we had...the health exam from HELL!!! *dramatic music featuring bass trombone*
It really wasn't that bad. Just weird.
Then we had a "Social Gathering" Which was AMAZING! Okay, so knowing me, who did I spend 3.5 hours talking to? A group of guys, of course. It's so much easier to talk to Boys! I always feel intimidated when talking to girls! But I was able to follow, and understand the whole conversation. And it was about random stuff I've never talked about even! Hahaha, it was a blast. It was by far the best my Japanese has ever been, and so I was uber happy. No one in the group believed me that I'd only been studying for 1.5 years =)
God that was fun... probably one of the most fun things yet! And it was just hanging out with people in a room >_<

Okay, then I saw a awesome street performer, (see facebook picture) and he was uber good. I went and talked to him after and he was super awesome. I got an autographed CD, so when he's famous I'll be pretty excited. He kept saying that I was adorable because I was a foreigner who was talking in Japanese. And everytime I said anything his friend would sit there and say "Kaaawaaii! Chou Kawai!!" Once again, because it's rare for foreigners to talk to people in Japanese. So fun! <3
Then I ran into a whole bunch of friends, and we rode the train back together. Twas fun!

Thursday I went out to breafast with my RA, Cat, and Cat's friend, and that was fun. Then I met my tutor and registered, then I went and played ping pon with my tutor, Shogo, Charlie, and Dimitri. That was also really fun, but for some reason I get really nervous with my Japanese around Yui, and so I hardly said anything the whole time. It was still really fun though! I then explored harajuka alone, which was interesting. Harajuka is super intense and busy, so It was quite the experience to explore it alone!
Okay, then I went home, and tried to catch up on facebook again. That's super hard!

Today was pretty basic, I had breakfast with some friends, then registered for my alien registration card, then went out with some friends to the shops around this area. Yaaaay! I bought a mirror an Trash can. For about three dollars <3
I also bought shoes- Which were a little more expensive, but still not that bad!

<3 you all!

You're so Genki!
Kodomo mitai!!
Aaaaahhhh....Chou Kawaii!
Kurooii ga daisuki!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Love Parade if I had to condense these last 3 or 4 days into a Sentence...
"Japan is fucking awesome."

Okay...mentally prepare yourself for a long and poorly written blog, okay?


Seriously...My Japanese sucks, but even so I have no shortage of friends here! From the first moment I met Yui, I already felt at home, and everyone else has been the same. Moments after meeting my friend Hana we had linked arms and were laughing at silly things like me completely slaughtering the japanese language =)
But seriously... I already know as many people here as I do at Linfield, and school hasn't even started yet. And the other difference? The people I meet are genuinely completely kind and selfless. It's mind boggling! Me and my friend Amy spent the train ride home explaining dead baby jokes to some of our Chinese friends, it was freaking hilarious!

Okay.... lets try and add some structure to this blog!

Maybe a timeling?
We'll start with the morning I left!

My dad and I met my sister for Coffee at 7am in Woodinville, went home, finished packing, and went to the airport. For various reasons, saying goodbye to my parents was very hard. Then I had a 10.5 hour plane ride to Korea, the two women I sat next to were super awesome... we talked for 6 hours! The other 4 hours I watched 'The Invention of Lying' and....that Ellen Page movie about roller-skaters.

Side Note- It's really hard not to type in Japanese...

Anyway, I had about 2 hours in Korea, then I was on my way to the country of dream, Nihon!

We got to the airport, and then had to go through customs, and then get our bags, so by the time I actually went to where I was supposed to meet my Tutor (Yui-chan) It was over an hour after I asked her to meet us. But you'd never think it was an inconvenience! Her and her had been waiting for a long time, and they had to drive for an hour and a half to get there, and 2 hours back because of traffic, plus there were a whole bunch of tolls to pay, buuuuut they just seemed super happy that I was in Japan! Yui has awesome taste in music, I was treated to a bunch of my favorite J-pop, spice girls, backstreet boys, Utada Hikaru... it was fantastic. And Late? Did I mention that? On my clock it was about 5am when we arrived, and I'd bee up since 6:30am, taihen,ne?

So we went to her friends house who had offered to let Dan, Yui and I stay there for the night because otherwise we'd have to pay for a hotel. They were two other exchange students who Yui had met last semester, and it was awesome. We didn't go to bed till after 9am on that pesky internal clock, but only 1:30am really. Then I was woken up at 10am by a traveling Tofu Salesman. What I mean by that is that he rides around on a bike with a Giant basket of Tofu. He Rides around tokyo selling this product by screaming how "Oishii" -delicious- it is and playing a strange instrument that sounds like a cat in heat. Then about half an hour later, the ice cream man came by! Oh wait.. that's the garbage man who's truck plays a song that sounds like the ice cream song and says how much it loves eating garbage.

Okay- so then Yui took me all the way across Tokyo to my dorm (that's an hour and a half train ride by the way)'s getting hard to write >_< I'm tiiiiired =(

At the dorm I met my RA's and all the new international students. Instant love. <3
I can't even express how much I adore these people. Across language barriers and everything, they genuinely care, and are wonderful wonderful people, it's amazing.

Okay...continuing... so I got a tour of the area around my dorm. And then Yuka took me out to go shopping and buy things like shampoo, and body soap. I set up my room, took a shower talked with student who got here last semester, studied Kanji and eventually went to bed.

The next morning I had breakfast with some friends and the RA's, then we had orientation at 10 AM at Aoyama, which is about an hour commute from the dorm. After Orientation I got to spend some time with Yui before the...dun dun duuuuun...Placement test of pure evil!
After that horrific event, all the international students, Tutors, and regular Aoyama Students went to the hanami park. Which was amazingly beautiful and definitely fun. IYui put it together, and I was super happy that she is my tutor. At the hanami, I talked to a whole bunch of Japanese Students and tried some Japanese snacks. Circumstances led to me staying after most people had left, and was the only female international student still there! I didn't know how to get home! >_< Fumi, who I had met only a couple hours before, stayed until I was ready to leave just to make sure I got back to my dorm safely. Soooooo Nice =)

If you know me, you know that I feel really bad when people get me things, or go out of their way to help me! But here, it is so important, because without these people...I'd totally lost. Okay... I got back to my dorm and hung out with students then caught up on facebook (kinda) and went to bed.

Then I Got up for breakfast, went to Orientation day 2, Went to Karaoke with a big group of people. Okay, at Karaoke I sang Bad Romance, and it was ridiculous how much of a hit it was. First of all-singing isn't really my strong point, but I'm a theater kid, so I have fun with it =) Everyone else got into it too, and it was a massive bonding moment! From that song on everyone was laughing and having a good time- thank you Steven <3

I had so many amazing bonding experiences last night!

At dinner, Me and Hana caught each others eyes and just started laughing, and couldn't stop for aaagggggessss...for no reason. It was great =)

That brings me to today!
It was fantastic! I went to Shibuya with 5 girls from my dorm, and we met a bunch of other students and spent the day going to an amazing restaurant, where I had the best and cutest deserts ever, looking around Shibuya a little bit, and once again, going Karaoke! This time was totally different, but also super fun- it was a smaller group, and Jimi talked to me a lot about the music and stuff, it was great! I sang a whole bunch of songs I'd never heard before, and they were fantastic. I talked to new people, and had a grand old time introducing some of my chinese friends to dead baby jokes =) That was awesome.... and me and Amy talking about strategies to hit on Japanese boys. That was so ridiculous! But so much fun =)

By the way, I think that I have the best Tutor ever, Yui is fantastic, and I feel amazingly lucky that she's my tutor. Like I said, from the first time I saw her at the airport, I felt at home in Japan. Sorry, that's one of the random things I had to say in this blog!

I wish I could give shout outs to everyone that deserves them...but That's waaaay too much to write.

Okay... so there's a basic itinerary! I love Japan sooooooo much!
But I still love all of you! AND miss you!

Next time I'll work on writing better, okay!? okay!