Monday, April 5, 2010


Hiii! Just a general update =)

Okay- So yesterday I spent the day in Aobadai (Tokyo Bay) with Haruna and Yuki! (Linfield kara) It was so much fun! I <3 those girls =D
It was my first time riding the trains alone, which was exciting! I managed not to get lost or anything. Which was pretty sweet. At the station, I met Haruna and Yuki, which was the best thing ever. Roughly =)
Then Dan came from a not the only train place, and to this day I'm still not sure how he got there...
OKay- So I found a giant cat bus <3
A "Giant Sky Wheel" AKA Ferris wheel, but because it's Japan, the ferris wheels are like... 4 times the size of ones in america. I'm not even exaggerating! It was freaking awesome. Then we toured Fugi Terabi, which is one of the craziest buildings ever... there's randomly a giant circle in the middle, and it's awesome.
This is the studio where most of my favorite dramas are made! Yaaaay! But really, it was mostly fun because I got to see Haruna and Yuki =)
Then the 4 of us went to Shibuya and walked around, rode a couple elevators and all that jazz. That was pretty super fun =)
Then I got back to the dorm and gave cadbury cream eggs to the americans. I honestly don't think I've ever seen people light up that much. It was so funny!

I think that covers Sunday!
Now- Monday:
In the morning I had orientation on registering, and then info on the part time job I'm applying for. I really want to work at Chatroom! It'd be a great way to meet even more Japanese students. ;P

OKay, so after orientation we had...the health exam from HELL!!! *dramatic music featuring bass trombone*
It really wasn't that bad. Just weird.
Then we had a "Social Gathering" Which was AMAZING! Okay, so knowing me, who did I spend 3.5 hours talking to? A group of guys, of course. It's so much easier to talk to Boys! I always feel intimidated when talking to girls! But I was able to follow, and understand the whole conversation. And it was about random stuff I've never talked about even! Hahaha, it was a blast. It was by far the best my Japanese has ever been, and so I was uber happy. No one in the group believed me that I'd only been studying for 1.5 years =)
God that was fun... probably one of the most fun things yet! And it was just hanging out with people in a room >_<

Okay, then I saw a awesome street performer, (see facebook picture) and he was uber good. I went and talked to him after and he was super awesome. I got an autographed CD, so when he's famous I'll be pretty excited. He kept saying that I was adorable because I was a foreigner who was talking in Japanese. And everytime I said anything his friend would sit there and say "Kaaawaaii! Chou Kawai!!" Once again, because it's rare for foreigners to talk to people in Japanese. So fun! <3
Then I ran into a whole bunch of friends, and we rode the train back together. Twas fun!

Thursday I went out to breafast with my RA, Cat, and Cat's friend, and that was fun. Then I met my tutor and registered, then I went and played ping pon with my tutor, Shogo, Charlie, and Dimitri. That was also really fun, but for some reason I get really nervous with my Japanese around Yui, and so I hardly said anything the whole time. It was still really fun though! I then explored harajuka alone, which was interesting. Harajuka is super intense and busy, so It was quite the experience to explore it alone!
Okay, then I went home, and tried to catch up on facebook again. That's super hard!

Today was pretty basic, I had breakfast with some friends, then registered for my alien registration card, then went out with some friends to the shops around this area. Yaaaay! I bought a mirror an Trash can. For about three dollars <3
I also bought shoes- Which were a little more expensive, but still not that bad!

<3 you all!

You're so Genki!
Kodomo mitai!!
Aaaaahhhh....Chou Kawaii!
Kurooii ga daisuki!


  1. Oh Chloe, you blog like you talk. Far too excited, but fun to listen/read. I am glad it is currently awesome!

  2. I <3 you for giving me my first comment ever- If I were there I'd give you a gold star for making me feel loved.

  3. So today..I saw something awesome. I don't remember what it was, or even the context, but it made me want to call you.

    and I would post this on your facebook instead of your blog, but i am currently a one site pony,so too bad!

    glad you're having a good time. it sounds amazing!!

    but pssh. cadbery creams make anyone's day anywhere on the planet.

    its like the universal chocolate of glory.
