Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Answer

This is a comment I just posted to my friend Marc, but I thought you all might enjoy this as well...

Oh. My. God. I made such a fool out of myself in class yesterday. Like....hardcore. Aaaahhhhhhh >_<

Okay- so this particular class is taught in English- and the teacher was talking about intercultural Dialogue. It's my biggest class...I think that there's about 150 students, and I was sitting in the front row. The teacher starts ... See Moretalking about Cannibals, and he's saying that there are two distinct ideas when it comes to it, the "It's their culture, we have to right to interfere" people, and the "What about basic human rights? We have to save them people!"

On the paper I'm taking notes on, I IMMEDIATELY write down "Prime Directive, and then start a rough outline of a paper saying that these two ideas are reflected in Captain Picard, and Captain Kirk. I start listing examples, and supporting this. Captain Kirk would say screw the prime directive, we have to save these people, and Picard would most likely end up leaving the culture as is with a rather sad song playing in the background.
ALll the sudden, a microphone is in front of my face, and the teacher says,
"What do you think?"
I start laughing. The teacher looks absolutely shocked, and then asks again. While still laughing, I manage to say,
"Well it goes back to the age old debate, who's the better captain, Kirk or Picard?"
The teacher (and EVERYONE else in the class) has NO idea what I'm talking about. I'm the crazy white girl, laughing about people eating eachother. The teacher looks at me,
"I don't know those words."
"YOu know...Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise"
(Keep in mind, I'm still laughing)
I'm getting really embarrassed so I just say, "Yeah, I'd go the culture side" (which I wouldn't but...whatever)
The teacher goes,
"With Mr.Spock?"
And I really put the cherryon top, when I abruptly stop laughing and say,
"No. Spock's with Captain Kirk"

ANYWAY... I thought you might enjoy that little story. =)

On another note...

I'M SO CLUMSY! It's ridiculous >_<
Everyday I spill things, and knock things over, run into people, fall down, break things, drop things...
Even people I don't know talk about how clumsy I am

The point of that little rant was this:
Today at Lunch I
1: Spilled hot green tea all over the table, forcing my friend Dae Young to leap out of his seat before it spilled all over him.
2: Peeled a banana too far so that the entire thing fell out of the skin and onto the floor
3: Stood up, and almost knocked the table over, causing Yuria's book-bag to fall off the table.

That is all!


  1. Oh my god!!! I know why anthro has been so boring lately! I have no one to make a Star Trek/ Star Wars reference!!! Ahhhh! I miss you soo much! I think I'm going to go watch some old star trek swoon over Spock and take a nap! Come live with me and we will own cheap couches and ride bikes to school (although I admit I don't know how it will affect your aid)! <333
