Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love Situation

It's been a long time since I've posted... okay... before my general itinerary of sorts, I'm gonna just say a couple things here:

1: I like the fact that I can reach the ceiling of buildings a lot more frequently that elsewhere. Not all the time or anything, just...more frequently!

Japanese architecture is so awesome! They have buildings of all kinds of shapes and sizes. Surrounding my school, there is a Pyramid, a circle, a triangle, a blob, and some other random stuff. I don't's just to bizarre and so much fun =)

I've had a couple things that I've had problems with- I guess a couple exapmles of culture shock?
1: Dreams- I've been having the weirdest dreams for the past couple weeks.
2: (Jj, sit down) Peanut Butter. It's not the same. At all. It's weird...and soft and fluffy and suuuuuuper creamy. And it broke my hearts.
3: Why is it impossible for money not to be an issue!? Honestly, I don't care at all that the people around me spend $500 on a whimsical "This looks kinda cute" purchase, while I spent $3 on a new purse, and $7 on a book bag. I'm seriously more than okay with that. I kinda feel like the heroine of a Japanese Drama. All that needs to happen now is a world famous corporation heir needs to fall in love with me. It'll be rough, I mean I know I'll get kidnapped, threatened, people will try to pay me off to leave him, I'll have to prove myself to his mother who is an evil woman and wants to marry him to someone else to ensure a merger... but I'm sure in the end our love would tear down any obstacles. (Doesn't that happen in real life?) Okay- but what does bother me is the fact that...I have bills to pay! And I don't know how I'm going to pay them. Gah. But I think It'll work out. I'll stand strong! I refuse to let money be an issue! I don't plan on having much money after college anyway...just enough to slowly pay back school loans and make a modest living somewhere...

Okkaaaayyy- On to happy topics!

So, you may have seen my facebook status...but here goes:
I'm staying. Not forever, but for another semester. I think I've made it pretty obvious that I simply love Japan. But even beyond that, I like taking risks and challenges, and staying for longer will make me grow in so many ways. I can't even begin to express how amazing Japan is. I miss you all (Mom and Dad and Sister especially) deeply. And you are all amazing people, please don't take my raving about how amazing Japan is as me not loving you or doubting your amazingness! I <3 you all. Japan has simply stolen my heart =)

Classes have started, and I love them all! A lot <3
Oh my Japanese teacher, Mori-Sensei is SO wonderful! I love her.

I don't even know what to tell you guys, it's bee so long since I've written. I'll start with recent things I suppose: I went to a maid Cafe yesterday! Yeah...all the girls talked in super polite form with bunny maid costumes on, and it wasn't even creepy! It was just...adorable! My friend Makoto took a whole bunch myself, the chinese girls and the korean girls =) It was ridiculous! And so much fun

I hate wearing make-up everyday >_< Even at my girliest, everyone still tells me I dress like a boy *sigh* That might be because of the Star Wars shirts and way of conversation. I also always wear a ponytail and get slack for that. But...I'm frightened of my hair. It's like the preachers hair in firefly! It's...always there. If I let it out then it will grow strong and I won't be able to control it anymore!

I don't feel homesick yet- I call my parents when I can, and that keeps me sane =)

Hmmmmmm.... There's so much more to say...but I wanna go for a walk.


1 comment:

  1. I love that you love Japan. I am glad you will be here to see me graduate. And I know you are going to have so much fun. And honestly, I am glad you won't be back for fall term simply for the fact that karma will now catch up with Matt Sunderland. Oh, and it's a freaking amazing opportunity! But, I miss the hell out of you. Eh... who cares about being girly. You are adorable. Plus, if you think about it... you have people who understand your plight. Take Zaida and I for instance. We both had this same sort of debate with ourselves. But we should just be happy about us. We are comfortable and I bet someone out there wishes they were more like us. So, yeah. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE JAPANESE NERFHURDER :)
