Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bokura No Love Story

Okay- I love all of you that read this blog, and here's a warning: A huge part of the reason that I'm keeping a blog is for me to look back on it later! I really hope you guys don't get bored reading them or anything. Especially times like now when I seem to be posting frequently!

So please picture my room back home/dormroom.
What is the first thing you imagine?

If it isn't toys or posters please turn your computer off and go to bed, I think your memory is malfunctioning. Kidding Kidding! <3
If it was something else than you have a beautiful and unique mind...don't change ;P

Hahaha...anyway, my room is lonely of posters! But here in Japan I have a unique opportunity... I can cover my walls with pictures of Arashi, Wentz, and Ikuta Toma!!

Okay- So my arubito is a chatroom leader, which means that I talk to people for 40 minute sessions. The application process was pretty cool, it's the first time I've ever had a formal interview! But it was a really fun interview, the three scary men interviewing me were all in stitches at multiple points during the interview, and apparently they didn't laugh in any of the other interviews so my goofy comments and comebacks made a good impression. Anyway- The interview was a couple weeks ago now, and I've been working at Chatroom for 2 weeks now. I love it =) Whenever it comes up that I like Arashi or something- people get SUPER excited. Apparently white girls never like Japanese music, even the exchange students. So the fact that I do makes them really happy. I took the liberty of recommending "The Princess Bride" to everyone in my second chat group today.

I've also been attending Japanese Chatroom, and todays chatroom was super fun. I think that everyone there talked a whole bunch and we just really enjoyed ourselves!

Dinner was also fun- I'm making some new friends in the dorm, I can't believe how many girls I hadn't talked to before!

The weather here is soooooo weird: It's been raining a lot lately, and I've always loved rain, and the rain in Tokyo is super gung-hoe. It doesn't just kinda rain, it really comes down hard. I like to dance around the city and splash in Puddles. Which gets me strange looks from a whole bunch of Japanese people, which is fun in itself.

In my intercultural communications class- I love doing the reading because it's so interesting. Even when the information isn't necessarily knew, there's something about reading it that makes me draw really strange connections. I dunno- but I really like it!

Okay- So once again this post has no strong purp----

I found a place to buy american peanut butter <3
I didn't and I don't think I will for a long time,but...It's there!!!!

Okay- so as I was saying: -----ose, but I just wanted to write down some thoughts!


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