Thursday, April 8, 2010

Carnival Night

I finished signing up for classes today- This Semester I'm taking (ready for it?)
Japanese Culture and Society
Inercultural Literacy
Performance Studies
and then...classes that are fully taught in Japanese-
Music and Philosophy
Color and Shapes
Japanese History of Gardening
and Caligraphy

Yup...10 classes.... five of which are being taught in Japanese...
Did I mention that they are ENTIRELY in Japanese?
Yup...I might be scared to death of that... =)

Yay for Chinese Girls who are super kind! I spent the last 2 hours just talking to two of them, in my (already) messy room >_<; They are super fun, and they speak 4 (FOUR) languages!!! Everyone always asks me to talk French because they think it's pretty, and I do when they ask me to, but sometimes it gets really confused with Japanese. je vais koen ni aller! (That's a complete jumble =D)

Today I hung out with my Russian Friend Nascha! We went to school, and finished signing up for classes, had lunch, then went shopping, I bought a scarf today. Woot.She bought a cute Girly Skirt that she insists she'll never wear, but I hope she does because she's adorable and the skirt would totally suit her!

Then I played Cliff with my American friends at Dinner, I <3 Cat! She's super fun, and are Talia and Eli and Nikki! Nandero...
Oh- Last night i helped my RA Yuka with English for a couple hours, which was pretty sweet. She asked me a couple days ago if I could help her with English, then yesterday she was like "Chloe please see my room if you have no busy!"
In Japanese they use the phrase Asobu when inviting someone over, and asobu often translates as PLay. So she said she almost asked me to come play. I would have definitely taken her up on that offer too! Both Yuka and Maari are amazing RA's! Super <3
Yui is also faaaaantastic! So are other peoples Tutors, they keep sending me messages on Facebook that basically say that they'd love to go Karaoke or exploring together sometime <3

I know that there's a lot of word that Japanese People are cold, but even the strangers I talk to on the train or in stores are incredibly warm. Whoever said that they aren't friendly is a rumor starter. They are just maybe a little shy at first if they don't know you.

Okay- Love you guys! <3

Steven: I saw Jigglypuff shaped Pink bread that came in a pokeball package and I thought of you =) Keep on keeping on and...blah blah blah ;P
I tried to type a little less excitedly for you... better?


  1. That's a whole lot of classes. I hope you make it through. I have faith in you though. Classes in all Japanese would be suuuuuuper scary.

    Calligraphy sounds really cool. I had a calligraphy book when I was in elementary school. I thought it was really fun. I wasn't any good at it though. I got the book from one of those Scholastic Book Fairs. Did you have those in elementary school?


    I did have a great time in Seattle! I'm sad we couldn't meet up, we ended up leaving Tacoma a lot later than we planned. We had to eat our dinner really fast, which sucked because it was really good.

    You can go to to see what Chelsea does. She does stand up comedy, she's written 3 books, and she has a late night talk show.

  2. Have I mentioned that you're wonderful recently?
    well, you are. Not to mention super amazing and ballsy for taking all of those classes, including the ones in Japanese!
